Full Council - Wednesday 15 May 2024, 10:00am - Wealden District Council webcasts

Full Council
Wednesday, 15th May 2024 at 10:00am 









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  1. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
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  1. Cllr Gavin Blake-Coggins
  2. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  3. Cllr Gavin Blake-Coggins
  4. Cllr Johanna Howell
  5. Cllr Gavin Blake-Coggins
  6. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
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  1. Cllr Anne Blake-Coggins
  2. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
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  1. Cllr Gavin Blake-Coggins
  2. Cllr David White
  3. Leader of the Council Cllr James Partridge
  4. Cllr David White
  5. Cllr Gavin Blake-Coggins
  6. Chief Executive Trevor Scott
  7. Cllr Brian Redman
  8. Chief Executive Trevor Scott
  9. Cllr Gavin Blake-Coggins
  10. Leader of the Council Cllr James Partridge
  11. Cllr Gavin Blake-Coggins
  12. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
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  1. Cllr David White
  2. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  3. Cllr Daniel Brookbank
  4. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  5. Leader of the Council Cllr James Partridge
  6. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  7. Cllr Gavin Blake-Coggins
  8. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
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  1. Cllr Mike Gadd
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  1. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  2. Cllr Kevin Benton
  3. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  4. Leader of the Council Cllr James Partridge
  5. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
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  1. Leader of the Council Cllr Rachel Millward
  2. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  3. Leader of the Council Cllr Rachel Millward
  4. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  5. Cllr Ben Reed
  6. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
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  1. Chief Executive Trevor Scott
  2. Cllr Daniel Manvell
  3. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  4. Chief Executive Trevor Scott
  5. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  6. Leader of the Council Cllr Rachel Millward
  7. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  8. Cllr David White
  9. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  10. Cllr Paul Coleshill
  11. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  12. Chief Executive Trevor Scott
  13. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  14. Cllr Ben Reed
  15. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  16. Leader of the Council Cllr Rachel Millward
  17. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  18. Cllr James Partridge
  19. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  20. Chief Executive Trevor Scott
  21. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
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  1. Cllr Gavin Blake-Coggins
  2. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
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  1. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  2. Cllr Jane Clark
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  1. Cllr Jane Clark
  2. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  3. Cllr Ben Reed
  4. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  5. Cllr David White
  6. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  7. Cllr Michael Lunn
  8. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  9. Leader of the Council Cllr Rachel Millward
  10. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  11. Cllr Stephen Shing
  12. Chief Executive Trevor Scott
  13. Cllr Stephen Shing
  14. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  15. Cllr Gareth Owen-Williams
  16. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  17. Cllr Paul Coleshill
  18. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  19. Cllr David White
  20. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  21. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  22. Cllr Paul Coleshill
  23. Cllr Kelvin Williams
  24. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  25. Cllr Daniel Manvell
  26. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  27. Cllr Mike Gadd
  28. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  29. Cllr Greg Collins
  30. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  31. Cllr Andrew Wilson
  32. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  33. Cllr Ben Cox
  34. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  35. Cllr Ian Tysh
  36. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
Share this agenda point
  1. Cllr David White
  2. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  3. Leader of the Council Cllr Rachel Millward
  4. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  5. Cllr David White
  6. Leader of the Council Cllr Rachel Millward
  7. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  8. Cllr Stephen Shing
  9. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  10. Cllr Gareth Owen-Williams
  11. Cllr Stephen Shing
  12. Cllr Gareth Owen-Williams
  13. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  14. Cllr Stephen Shing
  15. Cllr Gareth Owen-Williams
  16. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  17. Cllr Gareth Owen-Williams
  18. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  19. Cllr Daniel Manvell
  20. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  21. Leader of the Council Cllr Rachel Millward
  22. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  23. Cllr Daniel Manvell
  24. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  25. Leader of the Council Cllr Rachel Millward
  26. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  27. Cllr Ben Reed
  28. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  29. Cllr Mike Gadd
  30. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  31. Cllr James Partridge
  32. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  33. Cllr Dr Patricia Patterson-Vanegas
  34. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  35. Cllr Dr Patricia Patterson-Vanegas
  36. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  37. Cllr Dr Patricia Patterson-Vanegas
  38. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  39. Cllr Gareth Owen-Williams
  40. Cllr Dr Patricia Patterson-Vanegas
  41. Cllr Gareth Owen-Williams
  42. Cllr Dr Patricia Patterson-Vanegas
  43. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  44. Cllr Gareth Owen-Williams
  45. Cllr Gareth Owen-Williams
  46. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  47. Cllr Ian Tysh
  48. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  49. Councillor Christina Coleman
  50. Cllr Ian Tysh
  51. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  52. Cllr Ben Cox
  53. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  54. Cllr Kelvin Williams
  55. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  56. Cllr Ben Cox
  57. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  58. Cllr Gareth Owen-Williams
  59. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  60. Cllr Stephen Shing
  61. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  62. Cllr Stephen Shing
  63. Cllr Greg Collins
  64. Cllr Stephen Shing
  65. Cllr Greg Collins
  66. Cllr Stephen Shing
  67. Cllr Greg Collins
  68. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  69. Cllr Johanna Howell
  70. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  71. Leader of the Council Cllr Rachel Millward
  72. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
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  1. Leader of the Council Cllr Rachel Millward
  2. Chair of the Council Cllr Jessika Hulbert
  3. Webcast Finished